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Wisewire is a marketplace for sharing, creating, exchanging and purchasing high-quality learning resources. We’ve added a selection of our premium resources to TES! Sign up free on our site to take full advantage of our powerful assignment platform for creating and delivering computer-based assessments to your classroom. Winner of EDDIE Awards (2016); Tech & Learning Magazine Awards of Excellence (2016)




Wisewire is a marketplace for sharing, creating, exchanging and purchasing high-quality learning resources. We’ve added a selection of our premium resources to TES! Sign up free on our site to take full advantage of our powerful assignment platform for creating and delivering computer-based assessments to your classroom. Winner of EDDIE Awards (2016); Tech & Learning Magazine Awards of Excellence (2016)
RL.8.9 - Quiz and Answer Guide

RL.8.9 - Quiz and Answer Guide

Assess student understanding of standard RL.8.9 with this quiz. Students answer five questions that test their ability to analyze how a modern work of fiction draws on themes, patterns of events, or character types from myths, traditional stories, or religious works, including describing how the material is rendered new. This product includes: • 5 multiple choice questions • "Daedalus and Icarus," a Greek Myth • An excerpt from "The Legends of King Arthur and his Knights" by Sir James Knowles • An excerpt from "A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court" by Mark Twain • An accompanying answer guide with correct answers, answer choice rationales, and DOK (Depth of Knowledge) levels
Compare and Contrast Two Texts - Playlist and Teaching Notes

Compare and Contrast Two Texts - Playlist and Teaching Notes

Our playlists are “no prep” Common Core aligned lessons designed for small group work, homework, remediation, or extension around a single standard. This content-rich multimedia lesson integrates original instruction with web-based resources to guide students through the rigors of the aligned standard. <strong>This product includes:</strong> • 3 links to instructional videos or texts • 1 link to practice quizzes or activities • 1 assessment that includes two multiple choice questions and one sorting question • Definitions of key terms, such as compare and contrast • Excerpts from several texts that allow students to compare and contrast key details and important points presented in two texts on the same topic • An excerpt from “The Every-Day Life of Abraham Lincoln” by Francis Fisher Browne • “Cosmic Car Crash!” by NASA • “The First Transcontinental Telegraph System Was Completed” by the Library of Congress • An excerpt from “Samuel Finley Breese Morse” by Hattie E. Macomber • An excerpt from “The Story of Young Abraham Lincoln” by Wayne Whipple • An excerpt from “Thirsty? Have a Comet!” by NASA • An accompanying Teaching Notes file <strong>The Teaching Notes file includes:</strong> • Additional activities and writing prompts to help your students explore the standard • Links to additional practice quizzes or activities • An answer guide with correct answers, answer choice rationales, and DOK levels
RI.9-10.4– Quiz and Answer Guide

RI.9-10.4– Quiz and Answer Guide

In this quiz, students assess their understanding of standard RI.9-10.4. Students answer five questions that test their understanding of the function of phrases and clauses. This quiz includes: • One two-part question • One multiple select question • Three multiple choice questions • Informational passages, such as an excerpt from “The Narrative of Sojourner Truth” and others • An accompanying answer guide with correct answers, answer choice rationales, and DOK levels For more teaching and learning resources on standard RI.9-10.4, visit Wisewire.com.
Consult Reference Materials – Playlist and Teaching Notes

Consult Reference Materials – Playlist and Teaching Notes

In this playlist, students explore standard L.6.4.C. They learn how to consult reference materials to determine the pronunciation of words and how to consult reference materials to clarify a word’s meaning. Students are guided through examples of when to use dictionaries, glossaries, and thesauruses and how to use them, and apply what they learned by using a reference material to look up unfamiliar words from an article. Students also have the option to view instructional videos and complete practice quizzes or activities. The playlist includes: • Six links to instructional videos or texts • Five links to practice quizzes or activities • Definitions of the different types of reference materials • Visual examples of the different types of reference materials • A self-check quiz consisting of three fill-in-the-blank questions Accompanying Teaching Notes include: • Activities for students • Writing prompts for students • Links to additional resources, such as lesson plans on how to use a thesaurus • An accompanying answer guide with correct answers, answer choice rationales, and DOK level For more teaching and learning resources on standard L.6.4.C, visit Wisewire.com.
L.4.4.A– Quiz and Answer Guide

L.4.4.A– Quiz and Answer Guide

In this quiz, students assess their understanding of standard L.4.4.A. Students answer five questions that test their understanding of using context clues to determine meaning. This quiz includes: • Two fill-in-the-blank questions • Three multiple choice questions • An accompanying answer guide with correct answers, answer choice rationales, and DOK levels For more teaching and learning resources on standard L.4.4.A, visit Wisewire.com.
RI.6.5– Quiz and Answer Guide

RI.6.5– Quiz and Answer Guide

In this quiz, students assess their understanding of standard RI.6.5. Students answer five questions that test their understanding of analyzing text structure. This quiz includes: • One multiple select question • One fill-in-the blank question • Three multiple choice questions • Informational passages, such as FDA’s “Food Serving Sizes Getting a Reality Check” and others • An accompanying answer guide with correct answers, answer choice rationales, and DOK levels For more teaching and learning resources on standard RI.6.5, visit Wisewire.com.
RI.6.2– Quiz B and Answer Guide

RI.6.2– Quiz B and Answer Guide

Our quizzes are brief, formative diagnostic tools designed to test mastery and identify misconceptions a student has around a single Common Core standard. Assess your students' ability to determine a central idea of a text and how it is conveyed through particular details and to provide a summary of the text distinct from personal opinions or judgments with this quiz. This product includes: • 4 multiple choice questions • "A Rider on the Pony Express" by Wisewire • "Bind, Burn, and Bury: Funeral Rites from Different Cultures" by Wisewire • "For the Most Part, Few Young Adults Live With Their Parents" by Jonathan Vespa David Ihrke Ellyn Arevalo Steidl • "How to Make a Podcast" by Wisewire • An accompanying answer guide with correct answers, answer choice rationales, and DOK (Depth of Knowledge) levels
Provide an Objective Summary – Playlist and Teaching Notes

Provide an Objective Summary – Playlist and Teaching Notes

In this playlist, students explore standard RI.6.2. They learn how to determine the central idea of an informational text and its important details, identify opinions and judgements in a summary, and draft an objective summary. Students look at excerpts from informational texts and are guided through examples of putting together an objective summary. They apply what they learned by writing an objective summary of provided excerpt. Students also have the option to view instructional videos and complete practice quizzes or activities. The playlist includes: • Examples of objective summaries • Six links to instructional videos or texts • Excerpt from the “Foreword of Investigation of the Pearl Harbor Attack” by Alben W. Barkley • Excerpt from “Personal Justice Denied: Report of the Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internments of Civilians” • A self-check quiz consisting of informational passages, such as “The Past and Future of Television” and five multiple choice questions Accompanying Teaching Notes include: • Activity for students • Writing prompt for students • Links to additional resources, such as guidelines for writing summaries • An accompanying answer guide that with correct answers, answer choice rationales, and DOK level For more teaching and learning resources on standard RI.6.2, visit Wisewire.com.
RI.5.5– Quiz and Answer Guide

RI.5.5– Quiz and Answer Guide

In this quiz, students assess their understanding of standard RI.5.5. Students answer four questions that test their understanding of text structures. This quiz includes: • Two multiple choice questions • Two fill-in-the-blank questions • Informational passages, such as an excerpt from "True Stories from History and Biography" • An accompanying answer guide with correct answers, answer choice rationales, and DOK levels For more teaching and learning resources on standard RI.5.5, visit Wisewire.com.
Compare and Contrast Structures — Playlist and Teaching Notes

Compare and Contrast Structures — Playlist and Teaching Notes

In this playlist, students explore standard RI.5.5. They learn how to identify the structure of an informational text and how to compare and contrast the overall structures of two texts. Students are guided through three examples, two of identifying the structure of a singular paragraph and one of comparing and contrasting the structure of those paragraphs. Students apply what they learned by reading two excerpts and writing a paragraph comparing the structures. Students also have the option to view instructional videos and complete practice quizzes or activities. The playlist includes: • Two links to practice quizzes or activities • Three links to instructional videos or texts • Definitions of key terms, such as chronology • Excerpts from “How Do Coral Reefs Form?” by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and “Coral Bleaching: Turning Up the Heat” by National Park Service • A self-check quiz consisting of informational passages, such as an excerpt from “Benjamin Franklin” by Mary Stoyell Stimpson and others, and two multiple choice questions and two fill-in-the-blank questions Accompanying Teaching Notes include: • Activities for students, such as comparing and contrasting text structures in groups • Writing prompts for students, such as writing paragraphs using different structures • Links to additional resources, such as strategies for teaching text structure • An accompanying answer guide with correct answers, answer choice rationales, and DOK level For more teaching and learning resources on standard RI.5.5, visit Wisewire.com.
L.3.4.A– Quiz and Answer Guide

L.3.4.A– Quiz and Answer Guide

In this quiz, students asses their understanding of standard L.3.4.A. Students answer five questions that test their understanding of using context clues to determine the meaning of unknown words or phrases. The quiz includes: • Two write-in questions • Three multiple choice questions • An accompanying answer guide with correct answers, answer choice rationales, and DOK levels For more teaching and learning resources on standard L.3.4.A, visit Wisewire.com.
Introducing Topics and Grouping Related Information – Playlist and Teaching Notes

Introducing Topics and Grouping Related Information – Playlist and Teaching Notes

In this playlist, students explore standard W.3.2.A. They learn how to introduce a topic, group related information, and include illustrations when useful to aiding comprehension. Students are guided through the steps of identifying introduction sentences, categorizing information, and using illustrations to help readers understand the text. Students apply what they learned in the playlist by conducting research on a selected topic and writing an introductory paragraph. Students also have the option to view instructional videos and complete practice quizzes or activities. The playlist includes: • One link to an instructional video or text ��� Two links to practice quizzes or activities • Definitions of key terms, such as topic and category • Example sentences and paragraphs showing how to introduce a topic, put information into categories, and use illustrations Accompanying Teaching Notes include: • Differentiated instruction activity for students who work best in groups and a sample response • Links to additional resources, such as an article describing ways to teach third graders how to write a simple paragraph For more teaching and learning resources on standard W.3.2.A, visit Wisewire.com.
Analyzing Central Ideas – Playlist and Teaching Notes

Analyzing Central Ideas – Playlist and Teaching Notes

In this playlist, students explore standard RI.11-12.2. They learn how to identify central ideas, distinguish between central ideas and supporting factors, and analyze how central ideas and their respective supporting facts interact and build on one another to provide a complex analysis. Students learn about an important Supreme Court case in order to practice providing a complex analysis. Students also have the option to view instructional videos and complete practice quizzes or activities. The playlist includes: • Information on Marbury v. Madison • Links to seven instructional videos or texts • Definitions of key terms, such as thesis statement • Excerpt from Opinion Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka Kansas • A self-check quiz consisting of informational passages, such as “Declaration of Independence” and others and two multiple choice questions, one fill-in-the-blank question, and one multiple select question Accompanying Teaching Notes include: • Activities and writing prompts for students • Links to additional resources, such as how to analyze historical documents • An accompanying answer guide with correct answers, answer choice rationales, and DOK levels For more teaching and learning resources on standard RI.11-12.2, visit Wisewire.com.
Analyzing Interactions – Playlist and Teaching Notes

Analyzing Interactions – Playlist and Teaching Notes

In this playlist, students explore standard RI.11-12.3. They learn how to analyze a complex set of ideas or sequence of events and explain how specific individuals, ideas, or events interact and develop over the course of the text. Students are guided through examples of how to understand sequence and how ideas interact and develop over the course of a text. Students apply what they learned by analyzing another speech. Students also have the option to view instructional videos and complete practice quizzes or activities. The playlist includes: • Links to two practice quizzes or activities • Links to three instructional videos or texts • Excerpt from “Declaration of Conscience” speech given by Senator Margaret Chase Smith • A self-check quiz consisting of informational passages, such as “Declaration of Sentiments” and others, two multiple choice questions, one fill-in-the-blank, and one multiple select question Accompanying Teaching Notes include: • Activities and writing prompts for students • Links to additional resources, such as how to analyze speeches • An accompanying answer guide with correct answers, answer choice rationales, and DOK levels For more teaching and learning resources on standard RI.11-12.3, visit Wisewire.com.
Matters of Convention – Playlist and Teaching Notes

Matters of Convention – Playlist and Teaching Notes

In this playlist, students explore standard L.11-12.1.A. They learn how to identify conventions of language usage, including how they change over time. Students are guided through categories of common usage and a few examples of some of these usages. Students apply what they learned by analyzing the language of a historical document or classic literary text. Students also have the option to view instructional videos and complete practice quizzes or activities. The playlist includes: • Link to one practice quiz or activity • Links to three instructional videos or texts • Definitions of key terms, such as analogous words • A self-check quiz consisting of three multiple choice questions Accompanying Teaching Notes include: • Activities and writing prompts for students • Links to additional resources, such as how to analyze historical documents • An accompanying answer guide with correct answers, answer choice rationales, and DOK levels For more teaching and learning resources on standard L.11-12.1.A, visit Wisewire.com.
L.7.1.A – Quiz and Answer Guide

L.7.1.A – Quiz and Answer Guide

In this quiz, students assess their understanding of standard L.7.1.A. Students answer five questions that test their understanding of the function of phrases and clauses. This quiz includes: • One fill-in-the-blank question • Four multiple choice questions • An accompanying answer guide with correct answers, answer choice rationales, and DOK levels For more teaching and learning resources on standard L.7.1.A, visit Wisewire.com.
Theme, Central Ideas, and Summaries– Playlist and Teaching Notes

Theme, Central Ideas, and Summaries– Playlist and Teaching Notes

In this playlist, students explore standard RL.9-10.2. They learn how to determine a theme or central idea of a text, analyze its development over the course of the text, and provide an objective summary of the text. Students are guided through reading an excerpt, determining the theme or central idea and writing an objective summary of it. Students apply what they learned by identifying the theme or central idea and writing a summary of a classic horror story. Students also have the option to view instructional videos and complete practice quizzes or activities. The playlist includes: • Link to one practice quiz or activity • Links to five instructional videos or texts • A self-check quiz consisting of story or poem passages, such as excerpt from “The Awakening,” “The Raven,” and more, and four multiple choice questions Accompanying Teaching Notes include: • Classroom activities and writing prompts for students • Links to additional resources, such as strategies for teaching theme • An accompanying answer guide with correct answers, answer choice rationales, and DOK levels For more teaching and learning resources on standard RL.9-10.2, visit .
Visual & Multimedia Elements - Playlist and Teaching Notes

Visual & Multimedia Elements - Playlist and Teaching Notes

In this playlist, students explore standard RL.5.7. They will analyze how visual and multimedia elements contribute to a text. Students will study illustrations to determine how illustrations can contribute to the tone and meaning of the story. Students also have the option to view instructional videos and complete practice quizzes or activities. The playlist includes: • 2 links to instructional videos or texts • 3 links to practice quizzes or activities • 1 assessment that includes three multiple choice questions • Definitions of key terms, such as multimedia elements and tone • Examples of different versions of Cinderella and how visual and multimedia elements change the tone and meaning of the familiar story Accompanying Teaching Notes include: • Additional activities and writing prompts to help your students explore the standard • Links to additional practice quizzes or activities • An answer guide with correct answers, answer choice rationales, and DOK levels
How the Speaker in a Poem Reflects - Playlist and Teaching Notes

How the Speaker in a Poem Reflects - Playlist and Teaching Notes

In this playlist, students explore standard RL.5.2. They will determine the topic and theme of a poem. Students will describe how the speaker of a poem reflects upon the topic. Students also have the option to view instructional videos and complete practice quizzes or activities. The playlist includes: • 5 links to instructional videos or texts • 1 assessment that includes five multiple choice questions • Definitions of key terms, such as topic and theme • Examples of how to identify the speaker, topic, theme, and tone by asking questions Accompanying Teaching Notes include: • Additional activities to help your students explore the standard • Links to additional practice quizzes or activities • An answer guide with correct answers, answer choice rationales, and DOK levels
Structure of a Story, Drama, or Poem - Playlist and Teaching Notes

Structure of a Story, Drama, or Poem - Playlist and Teaching Notes

In this playlist, students explore standard RL.5.5. They will explain how a series of chapters, scenes, or stanzas fits together to provide the structure of a poem.. Students also have the option to listen to instructional audio and complete practice quizzes or activities. The playlist includes: • 5 links to instructional videos, audio, or texts • 3 links to practice quizzes or activities • 1 assessment that includes five multiple choice questions • Definitions of key terms, such as denouement and exposition • Examples of how to identify and analyze key details Accompanying Teaching Notes include: • Additional activities to help your students explore the standard • Links to additional practice quizzes or activities • An answer guide with correct answers, answer choice rationales, and DOK levels